Dora Kontha

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Dora Kontha’s photographs feel strangely clinical even though her subjects are open, free, and majestic. Her grand landscapes somehow feel like intimate studies of our planet, a stunning, powerful waterfall through Dora’s lens seems to be delicate and quiet. When looking through Dora’s series titled Wanderlust I come across an image of a road heading straight into the side of the mountain, the scene is carefully framed, as if she painted the landscape with oils. The image traps me like an optical illusion and I feel like the photo is more about an emotion than a place.

Roving is my biggest inspiration, I love getting lost while discovering new places. I always have my traditional film camera with me to capture the colors, feelings and impressions I never want to forget. The reason I stick to analogue photography is that I am fascinated by not only the photographs that film cameras can create, but also the magical process of development, the unexpected results and the happiness of holding a picture in hand.

Dora Kontha is from Budapest and now lives in Copenhagen. See more of her stunning work here.

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