Since 2007, JeeYoung Lee delivers photography that captures the invisible. Her stunning works are a mix of installation, theatre and tactile art.
All of the works you’ll witness below are built in her 3 x 6 m studio in Seoul. One piece takes weeks and sometimes months to be completed. Lee works “with infinite minutiae and extraordinary patience, in order to exclude any ulterior photographic alteration. Thus materialised, these worlds turn real and concretize: imagination reverts to the tangible and the photo imagery of such fiction testify as to their reality.
In the midst of each of these sets stands the artist: those self-portraits however are never frontal, since it is never her visual aspect she shows, but rather her quest for an identity, her desires and her frame of mind. Her creations act as a catharsis which allows her to accept social repression and frustrations.
The moment required to set the stage gives her time to meditate about the causes of her interior conflicts and hence exorcise them; once experienced, they in turn become portents of hope.” (source: OPIOM)
We’re in love with the level of detail and passion used for all the hand-made props and backdrops. It is also interesting to note that Lee never edits or modifies her images digitally post-shoot! Left aside the imagination used, every detail you see below is the result of hard physical work.
To witness Lee live check her exhibition schedule 2015 here.
Find her full biography here.
(h/t OPIOM Gallery via COLOSSAL)