Witness: Create Something

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After a stimulating trip to the Getty a few years back, my friends Nik Atkins, Steven Walter and I were inspired to whip up a little art ourselves. We pulled out a few photo sheets from an unused scrapbook, grabbed our acrylic paint, some fashion magazines and the polaroid photos Nik had taken earlier that day. We put Dylan’s Desire on vinyl, cracked a beer and got after it. No rules, just create. I stumbled across photos of these collages recently and it reminded me how exhilarated I felt that day. I think we can all agree that having a consistent relationship with art, be it with photography, design, painting, textiles, music, etc. is beneficial to our spirit. and mind. and heart. and soul. and and and…

Maybe today you’ll feel compelled to create something.

And, if you need a little motivational music…


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(go see ‘Shut Up And Play The Hits‘ TOMORROW NIGHT)


–Lindsay Colip

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