Solar Witcher + Anton Govorin

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Waking up early gray morning to palm trees caught in a serious wind storm I felt this fitting for a gray Music Monday. Solar Witcher is simple yet allows for complexity in the feeling it elicits upon being played. In a very abstract sense, I picture a music box that starts alone sitting on a window sill, then slowly it starts to spin and lift off of the sill, as it spins, colors and streams of light start to spin off of it.

Based out of Moscow, it was hard to find out much about this project except for Anton Govorin seems to do it all himself. Check out some very interesting mash-ups that fit well to the borrowed visuals. The first video for Touching Water is extremely beautiful and uses clips from Jordan Scott’s movie Cracks.


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You can also hear more on Anton Govorin’s Soundcloud Page or you can download some of the tracks for free below. He also has a ton of amazing compositions that are perfect for a slow starting Monday, or a late evening of creativity.

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Thank you again sincerely to our friends at Pony Dance Clyde from Berlin for their constant musical inspiration and for turning us on to this music. If you haven’t checked out Fanni, Linde, Jannica, and Julia’s site, head over right now to Pony Dance Clyde:

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