Story by

Todd Terje_WT
You’ve all had a few too many beers in the sun and you’re about to stuff your face with fresh food off of the barbeque. You’re slightly sunburnt, dehydrated, exhausted but you’ve never felt better. You’re enjoying that beer without a concern for what happens next. That’s when you put on this set.

It’s totally weird, unexpected and noticeably different. Spanning a huge variety of genres and generations of music, Todd Terje’s newest BBC 1 Essential Mix takes you through it all. You might not love every moment and there are certain segments you may even feel adverse to, but just when you might want to switch it off, the set switches gears and you’re hooked back in. You’re bound to connect with something hidden deep within it, making it all the more rewarding to hear it in its entirety. You can’t skip to the middle to hear it either – you’ve gotta let it play through the first second to the very last.

And if nothing else, at least let it play through the first hour and you’ll be rewarded with a style of remixing you may never have heard before. One hour and 59 minutes long, it’s a bit of a commitment but trust me, it’s well worth it. Without launching into a theoretical perspective on the future of music (and making really bold statements), this will mostly likely be it.

Listen here.

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