Photographer Alexander Schuktuew covers portrait, lifestyle, fashion and music in his works. We feature four of his sets here today.
The first two, Streets & Portraits don’t need further explanation.
Where We explores the complex relationships of human beings. Solitude and intimacy are the themes of this series.
Last but not least, we give you some impressions of Alexander’s commissioned work for lifestyle brands like Converse and Levi’s.
Talented Alex Schuktuew is born in Kazakhstan, and grew up in Bavaria, Germany. Visit Alex at his website, or follow his blog.
Witness Alex Schuktuew (selected works).
“Especially in the first years of doing photography the streets were my thing. I spent hours wandering around. It’s a meditation to walk without a goal.”
“The best is that you meet people and get into situations you would never have expected. It’s just incredible how many stories the old dudes out there can tell you.”
“Last year me and Robin went to visit our friends in Israel when we had this trip to the dead sea. I spoke about the idea of creating some violent scenes. One of the guys had all the swords in the backyard we could grab.”
“This whole thing had its own energy and we were all taking part in it. The place was perfect to try something intimate, with this surreal landscape and a good night before, heat, thurst and dizzyness, we reached an extreme mood together.”
“The Spot Delivery Tours were mind blowing! We went through 13 countries and the philosophy of the bus was ‘everybody who feels like’ hops on and off.”
“So the mixture of characters created a crazy power. We had a check at the Slovenian border with around 20 passports from 9 different countries.”
“The police guy couldn’t believe his eyes when he went upstairs, meeting a bunch of filthy skaters drinking and smoking.”
“Max Beckmann, one of the heads of this project and bus driver, said: ‘Traveling, new friends, skateboarding… all these beautiful things packed together in one tour.”