Train Train

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Trains are badass. If you’ve never been on one, I strongly suggest taking a little trip somewhere. If it’s been awhile, it’s time to get back on track (pun intended). I took a little jaunt from LA to Solana Beach and was reminded that train travel is not only efficient, convenient and cheap, but also insanely fabulous. Maybe I feel this way because I’m a sucker for Agatha Christie novels. Or perhaps it’s because fell in love with Dagny Taggart from Atlas Shrugged as a young girl. Or maybe because I took the train with my mom to Chicago from Indianapolis every year for 15 yrs. Possibly because I met one of my favorite friends on the Eurostar a few Summer’s ago. Doesn’t matter the reason, the point is simple. I love trains. I think you’ll love them as well. Next week (May 12th) is National Train Day. Do your wallet and the planet a favor and treat yourself to a trip! Check out times/routes on Amtrak’s website here. Below, I’ve posted some photos from the journey to enjoy as well as my favorite ‘train’ songs (no, not the band), hope something inspires you to get on board.

And now a few from the fantastic village of Solana Beach.


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